姓 名:陈琼
职 称:讲师
系 所:建筑环境与能源应用工程系
学 历:博士
学 位:工学博士
电 话:18171289642
邮 箱:cq505@whut.edu.cn
[1] Qiong Chen, Nan Li*. Thermal response time prediction-based control strategy for radiant floor heating system based on Gaussian process regression [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2022, 263: 112044.
[2] Qiong Chen, Nan Li*. Energy, emissions, economic analysis of air-source heat pump with radiant heating system in hot-summer and cold-winter zone in China [J]. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2022, 70: 10-22.
[3] Qiong Chen, Wenhan Wei, Nan Li*. Techno-economic control strategy optimization for water-source heat pump coupled with ice storage district cooling system [J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022, 138: 148-158.
[4] Qiong Chen, Nan Li*. Model predictive control for energy-efficient optimization of radiant ceiling cooling systems [J]. Building and Environment, 2021, 205: 108272.
[5] Qiong Chen, Nan Li*. Fast simulation and high-fidelity reduced-order model of the multi-zone radiant floor system for efficient application to model predictive control [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 248: 111210.
[6] Qiong Chen, Nan Li*, Wei Feng*. Model predictive control optimization for rapid response and energy efficiency based on the state-space model of a radiant floor heating system [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 238: 110832.
[7] Qiong Chen, Nan Li*, Ketong Li. Performance evaluation of different types of building partitions in decentralized heating areas based on dynamic simulation [J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2021, 1-15.
[8] Nan Li, Qiong Chen*. Study on dynamic thermal performance and optimization of hybrid systems with capillary mat cooling and displacement ventilation [J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020, 110: 196-207.
[9] Nan Li, Qiong Chen*. Experimental study on heat transfer characteristics of interior walls under partial-space heating mode in hot summer and cold winter zone in China [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 162: 114264.
[10] Yu Zhao, Nan Li*, Chenyang Tao, Qiong Chen, Mengqi Jiang. A comparative study on energy performance assessment for HVAC systems in high-tech fabs [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 39: 102188.