姓 名:王彩霞
职 称:讲师
系 所:建筑环境与能源应用工程系
学 历:博士
学 位:工学博士
电 话:13880247554
邮 箱:caixia.wang@connect.polyu.hk
[1] Yongjia Wu, Shifeng Yu, Caixia Wang*, Qiong Chen, Tingzhen Ming*. The use of a thermal diode bridge for passive temperature control in the built environment during the heating seasons – An analytical study [J]. Energy, 2023, 262: 125289.
[2] Caixia Wang, Shiming Deng*, Jianlei Niu, Enshen Long. A numerical study on optimizing the designs of applying PCMs to a disaster-relief prefabricated temporary-house (PTH) to improve its summer daytime indoor thermal environment [J]. Energy, 2019, 181: 239-49.
[3] Caixia Wang, Xiao Huang, Shiming Deng*, Enshen Long, Jianlei Niu. An experimental study on applying PCMs to disaster-relief prefabricated temporary houses for improving internal thermal environment in summer [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 179: 301-10.
[4] Caixia Wang, Xi Meng, Weijie Liang, Yanru Li, Pan Li, Enshen Long. Comparative Study of In-situ Test and Laboratory Test on Material Reflectivity [J]. Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121: 1932-8.
[5] Caixia Wang, Shiming Deng, Xuefeng Liu, Guanyu Fang, Wenjing Chen, Enshen Long, Jianlei Niu. Experimental investigations for applying PESS to disaster relief PTHs [J]. Energy Procedia, 2019, 158: 4772-7.
[6] Fang G. Y., Chen W. J., Wang C. X., et al. A novel air source heat pump powered bed-based space heating (ASHP-BBSH) system for improved indoor thermal environment [J]. INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGY TRANSITIONS. 2019: 2231-2236.
[7] Huang X., Wang C. X., Zhu D. L. An Experimental Study for the Improvement of the Stain Resistance for Exterior Wall Paints in a Western City in China [J]. COATINGS, 2021, 11.
[8] Wang C. X., Deng S. M., Liu X. F., et al. Experimental investigations for applying PESS to disaster relief PTHs [J]. INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGY TRANSITIONS. 2019: 4772-4777.
[9] Wang C. X., Huang X., Chen H. Q., et al. A Study for the Influence of the Location of PCMs Assembly System on Improving Thermal Environment inside Disaster-Relief Temporary Houses [J]. JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE MATERIALS, 2021, 9: 1239-1252.
[10] Wang C. X., Meng X., Liang W. J., et al. Comparative Study of In-situ Test and Laboratory Test on Material Reflectivity. 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (ISHVAC) JOINT WITH THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUILDING ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT (COBEE). 2015: 1932-1938.