姓 名:吴永佳
职 称:教授
系 所:建筑环境与能源应用工程系
学 历:博士
学 位:工学博士
电 话:18186157207
邮 箱:yjwu2019@whut.edu.cn
吴永佳(1990.07-),男,教授,博士生导师,国家级人才项目获得者。2013和2015年先后从华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院获本科和硕士学位,2019年5月获美国弗吉尼亚理工大学机械工程博士学位。主要从事热学和流体科学与工程研究,研究方向包括多尺度传热传质理论、建筑围护结构节能设计、热电发电和制冷、碳中和技术。参与完成美国国家自然科学基金2项和美国能源部项目2项,主持国家级人才项目1项、国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项子课题1项、湖北省重点研发项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目1项等。在国际知名杂志上发表学术论文40余篇,参与编著英文学术专著1部,近5年google学术引用800余次,h指数17。担任International Journal of Photonenergy专刊Guest Editor,受邀为Energy,Applied Physics Letters等国际著名期刊论文评审专家。获美国机械工程师协会2018年度IDETC/CIE学术会议最佳论文奖,2018年度国家留学基金管理委员会优秀自费留学生奖金。中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会青年委员、湖北省土木建筑学会建筑物理专业委员会委员、武汉市制冷学会理事、美国机械工程师协会(ASME)和核科学协会(ANS)会员。
[1] Wu Y, Yu S, Wang C, et al. The use of a thermal diode bridge for passive temperature control in the built environment during the heating seasons–An analytical study[J]. Energy, 2023, 262: 125289.
[2] Ming, T., Liao, X., Shi, T., Yin, K., Wang, Z., Ahmadi, M. H., & Wu, Y*. The thermal analysis of the heat dissipation system of the charging module integrated with ultra-thin heat pipes. Energy and Built Environment.2022
[3] Ming, T., Chen, S., Yan, Y., Gong, T., Wan, J., & Wu, Y*. The simulated cooling performance of a thin-film thermoelectric cooler with coupled-thermoelements connected in parallel. Heliyon, 2022,8(8), e10025.
[4] Ming T, He F, Wu Y*, et al. The effect of noise barriers on viaducts on pollutant dispersion in complex street canyons[J]. Energy and Built Environment, 2022.
[5] Zou, J., Guo, S., Guo, X., Xu, L., Wu, Y*., & Pan, Y. Hydraulic integrated interconnected regenerative suspension: Modeling and mode-decoupling analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2022, 172, 108998.
[6] Wu Y, Chen S, Gong T, et al. A Strategy to Reduce the Peak Temperature of the Chip Working under Dynamic Power Using the Transient Cooling Effect of the Thin-Film Thermoelectric Cooler[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2022, 31(4): 1094-1105.
[7] Ming, T., Xiong, H., Shi, T., Wu, Y.*, Wang, C., Wen, Y., ... & Zhou, N. A novel green technology: Reducing carbon dioxide and eliminating methane from the atmosphere. International Journal of Energy Research.2022
[8] Ming, T., Wang, Z., Liao, X., Shi, T., Tan, G., & Wu, Y*. Unsteady RANS simulation of fluid dynamic and heat transfer in an oblique self-oscillating fluidic oscillator array. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021,177, 121515.
[9] Ming, T., Gui, H., Shi, T., Xiong, H., Wu, Y*., Shao, Y., ... & de Richter, R. Solar chimney power plant integrated with a photocatalytic reactor to remove atmospheric methane: A numerical analysis. Solar Energy, 2021,226, 101-111.
[10] Wu Y, Sun K, Yu S, et al. Modeling the selective laser melting-based additive manufacturing of thermoelectric powders[J]. Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 37: 101666.
[11] Wu Y, Ming T, de Richter R, et al. Large-scale freshwater generation from the humid air using the modified solar chimney[J]. Renewable Energy, 2020, 146: 1325-1336.
[12] Ming, T., Han, H., Zhao, Z., de Richter, R., Wu, Y*., Li, W., & Wong, N. H. Field synergy analysis of pollutant dispersion in street canyons and its optimization by adding wind catchers. In Building Simulation 2021, (Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 391-405). Tsinghua University Press.
[13] Liu Y, Ming T, Wu Y, et al. Desalination of seawater by spray freezing in a natural draft tower[J]. Desalination, 2020, 496: 114700.
[14] Wu Y, Yu S, Zuo L. Large eddy simulation analysis of the heat transfer enhancement using self-oscillating fluidic oscillators[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 131: 463-471.
[15] Wu Y, Klein J, Zhou H, et al. Energy harvesting for wireless communications in nuclear environment[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, 126: 376-388.
[16] Wu Y, Yang J, Chen S, et al. Thermo-element geometry optimization for high thermoelectric efficiency[J]. Energy, 2018, 147: 672-680.
[17] Wu Y, Zhang H, Zuo L. Thermoelectric energy harvesting for the gas turbine sensing and monitoring system[J]. Energy conversion and management, 2018, 157: 215-223.
[18] Wu Y, Klein J, Zhou H, et al. Thermal and fluid analysis of dry cask storage containers over multiple years of service[J]. Annals of Nuclear energy, 2018, 112: 132-142.
[19] Wu Y, Zuo L, Sun K. Modeling the Selective Laser Melting of Multi-Component Thermoelectric Powders[C]//International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, 51722: V01AT02A049.
[20] Wu Y, Klein J, Zhou H, et al. Energy Harvesting for Nuclear Waste Sensing and Monitoring[C]//International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, 51722: V01AT02A008.
[21] Ming T, Wu Y, Liu W, et al. Solar updraft power plant system: A brief review and a case study on a new system with radial partition walls in its collector[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 69: 472-487.
[22] Ming, T., Yang, W., Huang, X., Wu, Y., Li, X., & Liu, J. Analytical and numerical investigation on a new compact thermoelectric generator. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017,132, 261-271.
[23] Ming, T., Gong, T., de Richter, R. K., Wu, Y., & Liu, W. (2017). A moist air condensing device for sustainable energy production and water generation. Energy Conversion and Management, 138, 638-650.
[24] Chen, J., Zuo, L., Wu, Y., & Klein, J. Modeling, experiments and optimization of an on-pipe thermoelectric generator. Energy conversion and management, 2016, 122: 298-309.
[25] Wu Y, Ming T, Li X, et al. Numerical simulations on the temperature gradient and thermal stress of a thermoelectric power generator[J]. Energy conversion and management, 2014, 88: 915-927.